- Kursnr.:
- -
- Arrangør:
- Arctic REIHN 2022
- Dato:
- -
- Påmeldingsfrist:
- Fag:
- Kurssted:
- Webinar
- Adresse:
- Tønsberg, Norway
Arctic REIHN 2022 (Arctic Radiation Exercise in High North 2022) is an EU project funded under the umbrella of Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM). The field exercise with more than 100 Rescue Workers and Experts will be conducted on 2 – 6 May 2022 in Bodø, Norway.
Our goal is to test and verify preparedness and international response in case of nuclear or radiological accidents with nuclear powered vessel in the Arctic. The scenario will be a marine accident with consequences on both sea and land, and with cross-border contamination.
This international webinar focuses on nuclear accident with briefings on existing cooperation, international coordination, and experiences from previous exercises as well as how to tackle radiological consequences it might cause.
The webinar contained many interesting and knowledgeable speakers who talked about topics that are highly relevant to Exercise Arctic REIHN 2022.