Site map About DSB Press Responsibilities and roles Contact Us Digital mail Invoice information Organization Safe everyday life Gas and flammable liquids Use the bio fireplace correctly What to do in the event of a gas leak Gas Safety Rules Avoid accidents with rubbing alcohol How to barbecue safely with gas How to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning Safe use of gas stoves Use and storage of small gas canisters Gas must never be kept in the cellar Transporting and storing petrol Transport and storage of diesel and heating oil Store gas and flammable liquids in an apartment Gas plants in housing cooperatives Maintain the gas equipment in the cabin How to change the gas bottle How to maintain your gas equipment How to replace a gas hose Plumbed-in gas systems - what are you allowed to do? Checking gas cylinders How to register a gas system Fireworks and explosives What do you do if you find explosives? Before you buy fireworks The Firework Code Why you should never try to light a firework twice How to use fireworks safely Electricity Find an approved electrician Request Declaration of Conformity Electrician work in the home How to check the fuse box What do you do if you get electric shock? Electrical work: What you can do yourself What is electromagnetic compatibility? Avoid fires in electrical appliances Safe charging of electric cars Proper Use of Extension Cord What you should know about LED lights Safe charging of e-bikes, e-scooters and stand-up boards Charging sense for safe charging Safe and smart power management Do not dispose of batteries in residual waste Fire Fire safety for the elderly How to prevent a fire in your boat What is an alternative escape route? These escape routes you must have Select optical smoke detector Check the smoke detector How to place the smoke detector correctly Choose the right fire extinguishing equipment What to do in the event of a forest fire How to check the extinguishing equipment How to extinguish a deep fryer fire How to extinguish a fire in clothes What do you do when there is a fire? What do you do when the fire brigade has left? What to do in the event of a chimney fire Extinguishing fires Hold your own fire drill Fireproof student housing - this is what you are entitled to How to use candles safely What you should know about stove guard How to avoid a chimney fire Remember the smoke detector in the cabin What you need to know before you light a bonfire Fireproof at camping What you should know about Chinese lanterns Tip the fire service about fire danger Fire safety when travelling Products, Equipment & Leisure Your responsibilities in organised leisure activities Report careless organizers Alpine code of conduct Ski safely on the slopes Check the jack before changing tires Children under 7 years old should not use a snorkel How to climb safely with autobelay Safe children's clothing Make rules for the trampoline Buy safe toys for the little ones Trampoline Safety Tips Choose safe costumes What you should know before buying a trampoline Growing pets are not suitable for young children What you need to know about electric scooters for kids Child proofing the home Sleep safely - choose safe cots Lamps in the children's room What the CE mark means Beware of small, strong magnets Is a product dangerous? These substances are prohibited for private individuals These clothes are most flammable Life jackets for children - this is what you should know Life jacket or life jacket? How to choose the right sunglasses Watch your eyes during the solar eclipse Choose safe reflectors How to maintain your inflatable life jacket Buying and using inflatable bath toys Use portable ovens correctly Replace old string lights What you should know about stand-up bikes What is electromagetic compatibility? How to clean and bleach animal skulls safely Self-preparedness Self-preparedness for pets How to talk to children and young people about emergencies and war? How to prepare yourself mentally for crises How to cook during a crisis Plan your self-preparedness What you are entitled to know about nearby industrial companies What happens when you press the SOS button in the car? Information for neighbours of facilities for storage of explosives and fireworks What the air raid sirens means Emergency notification Check your information sources Information and communication in the event of s crisis Making homes safe for the elderly What do you do with your freezer in a power cut Make an emergency location poster for your cabin How to get your cabin ready for holiday How to prepare for a storm How to protect yourself in a flood How to protect yourself from lightning How to prepare for cold weather If your home is affected by flooding How to prepare for dangerous situations Worth knowing about shelters Places to stay in a national emergency Self-preparedness for people with disabilities Mental health in times of crises Shared self-preparedness Good hygiene if the water supply fails Medicines and first aid equipment you should keep at home Self-preparedness for payments Food you should keep in the house in the event of an emergency Keeping warm in a power cut How to store drinking water Emergency water How to contribute to Norway's emergency preparedness Fire safety Forest fires Electrical safety Questions & Answers How much does it cost to apply for approval to practice one of the regulated electrical professions? How can I verify a decision (approval) from DSB? How can I check the status of my application? Hazardous substances Risk, vulnerability and preparedness Total Defence Self-preparedness Nordic cooperation Planning DSB's responsibilities and roles in total defence What is total defence? Civil-military exercises International cooperation Civil preparedness and crisis support Humanitarian work Dispatch of experts Norwegian Emergency Medical Team (NOR EMT) Norwegian UNDAC Support (NUS) Norwegian Support Team (NST) EU Civil Preparedness Mechanism (UCPM) Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) RescEU EU Civil Protection Pool Exercises Competence development Knowledge network Projects Financing schemes DSB's roles Host nation support - civilian aid MEDEVAC International crisis support EEA and Norway Grants Projects Projects in Portugal Projects in Poland Projects in Romania Beneficiary countries Bilateral cooperation About the EEA and Norway Grants NATO Nødnett Contact Us New Nødnett Developments in other countries Market dialogue What is the new emergency network? The road to a new emergency network Why the new Nødnett? About Nødnett Emergency network coverage International cooperation Cross-border communication What is Nødnett? The history of Nødnett