Strengthened CBRNE safety and security coordination and standardization
DSB and FFI have been Norwegian project partners in a predefined project in Poland to strengthen CBRNE safety and security under the programme area Disaster Prevention and Preparedness.
The project promoter was the Polish Internal Security Agency (ABW).
The project was a follow-up to a bilateral collaboration between Poland and Norway in 2017.
The objective of the project was to contribute to strengthening the prevention and preparedness of CBRNE incidents in Poland through competence, coordination, equipment and development of procedures. The project was set up with 12 work packages, including the development of a system for handling CBRNE incidents, warning of threats, innovative learning platforms, the use of drones, innovative detection systems for biological agents, development of guidance for handling CBRNE injured, investigation of CBRNE incidents, testing of equipment, training program, establishment of CBRNE cluster and establishment of a national CBRNE coordination and standardization system.
Summary of the project March 2024 (Youtube)
From the Norwegian side, the DSB contributed support to the work package on the use of drones in connection with CBRNE incidents. In this work, Tiepoint AS (formerly Andøya Space) carried out a large part of the tasks.
The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) participated in several of the work packages, of which the development of innovative training and training platforms in the CBRNE area was the most extensive. FFI contributed to the development of a demonstrator for CBRNE exercises.
Other bilateral cooperation
International Conference on Innovation in Disaster Prevention
In the spring of 2023, as a bilateral initiative between Poland and Norway, an international conference was held in Krakow, Poland on how to think new and innovative in the work on disaster prevention.
All beneficiary countries of the EEA and Norway Grants were invited to the conference. There were approximately 300 digital participants from all over the world, in addition to 90 participants in Krakow.
The aim of the conference was to strengthen cooperation between the countries, deepen and share mutual knowledge about the prevention of disasters and how this can strengthen the countries' resilience in the event of natural events.
The conference also pointed out how the work under the EEA and Norway Grants can complement the EU's work in this area.
Drones as tools in crisis management
The Internal Security Agency in Poland, Tiepoint AS and DSB are working together on a project that will develop advanced methods for identifying possible threats using drones that can help prepare for crisis management. This can increase the capacity of both the drone and the command center. Through the incorporation of AI technology, the goal is to provide a better overview of the situation as well as the opportunity to interpret data in real time so that an incident can be handled in the best possible way.
The project has a budget framework of just under EUR 300,000 from bilateral funds in the Domestic Programme and will be completed by the end of February 2025.
Better air control in crisis management
The Polish Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy (CIK), Tiepoint AS and DSB are working together on the CoSky project. The project is about developing routines/procedures for the use of the airspace in the event of incidents where manned and unmanned aircraft are used at the same time, such as helicopters and drones. There are currently systems and apps for this both in Norway and in Poland.
Through the project, the systems in use in the two countries will be mapped and compared. The deliveries consist of developing a reference guide for emergency personnel who will fly drones in situations where there is an aircraft/helicopter in the air at the same time, a compendium for pilots, and an online course for drone pilots. Grenland Fire and Rescue and Nedre Romerike Fire and Rescue participate in the work.
The project has a budget of EUR 150,000 from bilateral funds in the Domestic Programme and will be completed by the end of February 2025.
Psychological support for emergency personnel
DSB is a partner in a bilateral collaboration with the Polish State Fire and Rescue Service in a pilot project that looks more closely at the need to update knowledge about psychological support for emergency personnel, their families and psychologists so that they can be best equipped to handle incidents in very demanding situations. including war. Representatives from the State Emergency Service (SESU) from Ukraine are also participating in the work.
In this project, DSB has invited the Civil Defence, the fire and rescue services in Oslo and Grenland and specialists to share their experiences with the use of colleague support schemes, among other things. The report from the project will lay the foundation for Poland's further work in the area.
The project has a budget of EUR 100,000 from bilateral funds in the Domestic Programme and will be completed by the end of March 2025.