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About the EEA and Norway Grants

Table of contents

    Table of contents

    Norway cooperates closely with the EU. The EEA Agreement is the cornerstone of this cooperation. The agreement includes a common objective to work together to reduce social and economic disparities in Europe. The EEA and Norway Grants are Norway's contribution to this. In addition, the EEA and Norway Grants will contribute to strengthening cooperation between Norway and the beneficiary countries of the EEA and Norway Grants. 

    The EEA and Norway Grants are an important tool for solving mutual challenges and strengthening our European community based on democratic values and the rule of law. Cooperation across countries is key. Through this, platforms are formed for political and professional interaction and networking. Understanding of Norwegian positions and values in the EU will be strengthened. The EEA and Norway Grants are therefore implemented in close cooperation with Norwegian actors.

    For the period 2021 – 2028, Norway, together with Iceland and Liechtenstein, will contribute EUR 3.268 billion to 15 of the EU's less wealthy member states. The Norwegian contribution accounts for about 97 per cent. Efforts will focus on the green transition, democracy, the rule of law and human rights, as well as social inclusion and societal resilience. The funds will be used to finance programmes and projects in disciplines that build on these main themes, based on the results of the negotiations between the donors and the beneficiary countries.  

    The Government's proposition to the Storting on consent to ratification of the Agreement on the EEA and Norway Grants was adopted on 24 October 2024. 

    Kart over Europa der land som mottar EØS-midler er markert med lyseblå farge
    The countries that receive EEA and Norway Grants in the period 2014-2021 are marked in blue. Source:

    Program collaboration 

    Norwegian public institutions and agencies are involved in the design of programmes and contribute knowledge and experience in the implementation of work funded by the EEA and Norway Grants. Under the programmes, various project collaborations are announced. There are a total of 15 programme areas.  

    Project collaboration 

    Norwegian public agencies, municipalities, research institutions, enterprises, social partners, non-governmental organisations, etc. may enter into cooperation with partners in the beneficiary countries on the implementation of joint projects.  

    DSB's roles

    The Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning will contribute to the EEA cooperation through the EEA and Norway Grants in line with Norwegian European policy. DSB has the role of donor programme partner for the partner countries under the programme area Disaster Prevention and Preparedness. As a donor programme partner, DSB facilitates project collaboration for Norwegian actors. In addition, DSB is a project partner.

    The work with the EEA and Norway Grants is fully funded and provides good opportunities for professional development work, competence and capacity building, and strengthened bilateral relations in the field of civil protection and emergency preparedness.  

    In the DSB, the work on the EEA and Norway Grants is coordinated by the International Section.

    Current period

    In the current period (2014–2021), DSB collaborates with Romania, Poland and Slovakia - both in our role as a donor program partner and in our role as a project partner. 

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