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DSB participates as a partner in projects that receive funding from the EU's Civil Preparedness mechanism.

PreparEU Pilot

DSB is a Norwegian partner in the PreparEU Pilot project, which receives funding from the Knowledge for Action in Prevention and Preparedness (KAPP) funding mechanism.

The project is led by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and also has partners from Belgium and Spain.

The purpose of the project is to explore different instruments that the European Commission can use to promote self-preparedness work in the member states and UCPM's other partner countries. This may involve joint communication activities, sharing of information material, knowledge exchange, training programmes or other activities. The project will end in August 2025.

The back of the head of a woman with long hair writing on a piece of paper on a table
From the workshop in Brussels. Photo: DSB


MEREPUV (Methods and Measures to Enhance Resilience against Electrical Power Outage in Urban Vital Societal Functions) aimed to make cities more resilient to power outages by increasing knowledge about the role of cities in protecting their vital societal functions from such disruptions. The project identified what measures were available to protect citizens from serious consequences of power outages. 

Five cities were active during the project period (2018-2020):

  • Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger
  • Dordrecht (Netherlands)
  • Valmiera (Latvia).

The cities analyzed how power outages affect the following important societal functions: 

  • Electronic communication systems 
  • Rescue 
  • Health 

The project was supported by the EU's civil preparedness mechanism and had partners from different levels (national, regional and local) in the three countries. 

Final report (pdf)