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Financing schemes

Norwegian emergency preparedness authorities and actors who have work tasks within emergency preparedness can apply for funding from the EU's Civil Preparedness Mechanism (UCPM) for activities that fall under the scheme.

External funding provides the opportunity to support professional development tasks, international cooperation and other activities. A problem to be solved, a new concept or a new instrument to be developed, can be included in a project framework. Part-financing is also offered for activities such as connecting communities and experts in crisis management and emergency preparedness. 

Anyone who wishes to apply for external funding from the European Commission's civil preparedness scheme, including other Norwegian agencies and institutions, must contact the DSB at the International Section. The section can be contacted via for further information about the possibilities. We can also assist with advice, tips and guidance during the application process itself.  

Calls for applications for funding are advertised on the European Commission's (DG ECHO) website, usually during January, and the application deadlines are usually in April. Every year, DG ECHO organises information days to review funding opportunities. The information meeting will be streamed so that anyone who may be interested can participate.

Financing schemes

Technical Assistance for Disaster Risk Management  

The "Technical Assistance for Disaster Risk Management" (Track 1) funding scheme provides financial support to national civil emergency authorities for strategy development (studies, policies and plans) and implementation of the EU's crisis resilience goals.

Projects can receive 95% project support (up to 750,000 euros). Overview of projects that have previously received funding for projects.   

More information about the scheme

Knowledge for Action in Prevention and Preparedness (KAPP)

The funding scheme "Knowledge for action in prevention and preparedness" (KAPP) supports international projects and exercises with partners from three countries or more.  

Projects can receive 90% project funding (up to one million euros). See projects that have received funding for start-up in 2024.

More information about the scheme

Technical Assistance Financing Facility for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness (TAFF)

The Technical Assistance Financing Facility for Disaster Prevention and Preparedness (TAFF) was new in 2024 and is managed by the World Bank on behalf of the European Commission. The scheme supports activities within risk management, such as analyses, strategy development and capacity building.

Projects receive 100% funding for activities. The funding scheme follows a simpler application setup than the other two schemes, but the applicants are followed up more closely by the World Bank during the project period.  

More information about the scheme  

The contact person in DSB is Thomas Hansen, email: