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Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC)

The EU's Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) is the heart of the EU's civil preparedness mechanism.  

Crises do not recognise borders and can hit one or more countries at the same time without warning. Through the EU's Civil Preparedness Mechanism (UCPM), the European Commission plays an important role in coordinating crisis management both in Europe and in the rest of the world.  

ERCC coordinates the assistance offered to crisis-affected countries, such as aids, expertise, civil emergency teams and special equipment.   

DSB administers the EU's civil preparedness mechanism in Norway and coordinates Norway's participation, such as the dispatch of expert teams, equipment and other capacities. If Norway needs help, DSB can request assistance from the EU through the mechanism.  

Having access to a well-organised support system such as the ERCC means that crisis-stricken national authorities have only one point of contact to deal with instead of having to ask for help from different organisations. Such coordinated efforts help to gather expertise and capacities such as different types of crisis personnel, and duplication of crisis assistance is minimised. This helps the assistance reach those affected faster and better. 

Pooling civilian emergency response capacities makes crisis management stronger and more targeted. Since the EU's civil preparedness mechanism was established in 2001, the mechanism has responded to more than 700 requests for assistance both within and outside the EU.  

More information about the ERCC