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Through DSB's role as the contact point for the EU's civil preparedness mechanism, DSB has since August 2022 managed an agreement with the EU on regular MEDEVAC flights with wounded and sick Ukrainian patients to Norway and other European countries. This project is a collaboration between many players, but the transport assignment itself is solved with a specially converted aircraft from SAS manned by medical personnel from the Armed Forces. In addition, some missions have also been carried out with the Air Force's C-130J and smaller civilian ambulance aircraft. The agreement between the EU and Norway was extended until 30 April 2025 in the autumn of 2024.  

As a result of the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, the WHO requested in April 2024 the activation of the EU's civil preparedness mechanism for the medical evacuation of people from Gaza to European countries. Subsequently, Egypt has also requested the medical evacuation of refugees from Gaza. In June, the government decided to receive up to 20 patients and 80 accompanying persons from Gaza. In July, DSB was given the task of coordinating planning work at agency level in order for the Norwegian authorities to be ready to meet the government's objective.  

Norway has an agreement with the EU on an air ambulance for the transport of patients with high-risk infection in Europe, as part of the EU project RescEU. The agreement is valid until the end of 2026. The plane is called NOJAHIP, which is an abbreviation for Norwegian Jet Ambulance High Infectious Patients.