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Keeping warm in a power cut

Many homes have electricity as the most important or only energy source for heating. In this article you will find specific tips that will help make you better prepared in the event of a power failure.

A man and a woman with woollen blankets over their shoulders in a dark room.
Photo: Ivar Kvaal / DSB

If a power failure occurs in the winter it can quickly become cold and dark indoors. In the event of a major power failure, it can take some time before power returns. Therefore you should be prepared to manage without power for one week. 

During a power failure you can reduce heat loss in your home by closing doors or hanging up blankets between rooms. You can also hang blankets or curtains in front of the windows.

Temporary accommodation

Speak to neighbours and family or friends and make arrangements to stay with them, in the event of an extended power failure.

Do you have alternative heating other than electric heating, and know of someone who does not? Consider offering them to stay with you in the event of a crisis. 

Remember fire safety

Remember that the use of open flames greatly increases the risk of fire. Check that you have approved extinguishing equipment and functioning smoke alarms.  

What you need to remember when storing gas and flammable liquids in your home