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Plan your self-preparedness

Most people are already well underway with their own preparedness – perhaps without realising it. With a few simple steps, you can get a better overview, build on what you already have, and replenish what you lack to strengthen your self-preparedness where you live.

Shelves with watering cans and plastic boxes filled with dry goods, canned food and toilet rolls.
Photo: DSB

Warm clothes, candles, flashlight, barbecue and battery bank. Most people already have one or more of these products, without thinking that it is part of the emergency team. Therefore, it is a good idea to start by getting an overview.

What you have

Go through your closets, storage room, basement and garage, and tick off the checklist for self-preparedness while keeping track of things that can be useful in a crisis.

There are several ways to organize what you have. Some choose to create a dedicated closet that is not used for everyday use, filled with equipment and goods that can withstand storage over time.

Others choose to have a larger inventory of goods that are used on a daily basis. When the stock is used and replenished regularly, you always have some extra food and equipment available.

You can also create a weekly menu with meals that can be prepared in a crisis. This makes it easier to get an overview of how much you need of different goods, how much water is used for cooking, and what equipment you depend on.

What you need to fix

Once you have an overview of what you have, it will be easier to use the checklist to see what is missing. Having a concrete list to relate to makes it easier to build up a good kit over time.

Once you have identified what you are missing, you can consider what you should do. Remember, you don't have to have everything right away. Start with the essentials, such as water and heat, and top up gradually. Is it something that is easy to acquire? Can any of the needs be met through an emergency friend? Remember that it is smart to share resources such as cooking equipment, food and DAB radio.

Regardless of how you choose to solve your emergency kit, it is a good idea to review regularly – at least once a year. Check that equipment is working as planned, that the batteries are not dead, and that food and drinks are safe to eat and drink for a good while longer.