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Children under 7 years old should not use a snorkel

DSB and the professional experts in Norway ask parents who buy snorkels for their children to be careful, and warn about snorkels that are marketed to children who are too young.

There are snorkels that are adapted to a lower lung volume. Snorkels intended for children have 1 to 1.2 dl volume and are a maximum of 30 cm long to prevent the child from breathing the same air in and out.

It is important that the child is able to breathe deeply enough to supply new fresh air to the lungs and avoid CO₂ poisoning. Children and young people over 50 kilos can use an adult snorkel.

When children are going snorkeling, it is important that parents pay close attention. It is best if parents are in the water and test the snorkel with the children.

The Norwegian Diving Federation (NDF) does not recommend freediving for children under 7 years of age.