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Beware of small, strong magnets

If you swallow two or more small, strong magnets, you can become seriously ill. Therefore, one should keep small, strong magnets away from children and inform young people about the danger.

Small magnetic balls with magnetic pins in between.
Photo: Daniel Fatnes / DSB

Serious injury

When more than one magnet is swallowed, they can attract each other. The strong magnets can attract each other through intestinal walls and other tissues. This can damage the intestine or cut off blood supply to parts of the intestine.

Such complications are serious, and medical treatment must be sought immediately if magnets are thought to have been swallowed. The same hazard can occur where only one magnet is swallowed together with other magnetic metal.

Small, strong magnets are not toys

Small, strong magnets are not toys, and should be kept away from small children. Smaller children often put things in their mouths, and can also risk swallowing them. 

Face piercing

Small magnets can be used as fake face piercings. The small, round magnets are placed above and below the tongue, or on the inside and outside of the cheeks or lips. Then there is a great risk of swallowing one or more magnets. It is therefore important to make young people aware of the danger of swallowing magnets. 

Hidden magnets

Magnets can be found in places you may not realize contain magnets. Be aware of hidden magnets in packaging, textiles or in toys.

Check regularly

Magnets are found in many different products we surround ourselves with. It is therefore important to check that the products are intact to ensure that small magnets are not loose or have come loose from the product.