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Store gas and flammable liquids in an apartment

Some live in such a way that they can safely store a couple of gas bottles and small amounts of rubbing alcohol and gasoline at home. If you live in an apartment complex, apartment building or otherwise live close to others, this can be difficult.

What do the regulations say?

The maximum permitted amount of flammable gas (such as propane) in a housing unit is 55 litres (2 x 11 kg containers) and 10 litres of flammable liquid (such as petrol and rubbing alcohol). In an external storage room, garage or similar, a maximum of 90 litres of propane and 50 litres of petrol/rubbing alcohol can be stored.

It is important that the storage of the hazardous substances is made as safe as possible, both for the individual resident and collectively for everyone who lives in a residential complex. Therefore, as a resident, you should assess for yourself what you actually need, while the board as a whole must assess the risk.

Quantities and limitations

If a housing company believes that the risk of accidents and accidents is too high when storing hazardous substances, they can decide on their own rules that prohibit such storage.

In some cases, DSB and the municipality may also impose further restrictions or prohibitions on the storage of hazardous substances if we believe it is necessary to protect life, health and material assets against accidents and accidents.

Safety precautions for the storage and use of flammable gas:

  • Gas canisters must be stored upright, airy and secured against tipping over
  • Flammable gas must not be stored in basements or rooms below ground, or in attics
  • Follow the supplier's instructions when using appliances and equipment – appliances intended for outdoor use must never be used indoors
  • Ensure good ventilation during use
  • Portable gas stoves must not be used in rooms where people sleep