Check for dust
Gas equipment that has not been used for a while can become clogged with dust, cobwebs and the like. Then the gas will not burn properly, and carbon monoxide will form, which can lead to suffocation. Check and clean your gas equipment periodically to avoid this.
Burners that are close to the floor are particularly vulnerable, such as under gas-powered refrigerators. In particular, check that the air inlet at the nozzle is free of dust. Pull out the refrigerator and carefully vacuum the entire back wall, and the floor behind and under the refrigerator. If you don't have a vacuum cleaner in the cabin, you can also blow vigorously to remove the dust.
Never use a needle or similar to insert the nozzle into the burner of a gas refrigerator. This can cause damage that can lead to poor combustion and carbon monoxide.
Monitor during use
Ensure good ventilation and always be present in rooms where you use a gas stove and other gas appliances. Gas refrigerators must be placed so that they receive a good supply of air, i.e. never in or between kitchen cabinets.
Gas appliances also set requirements for the size of the room in which they are to be used. These requirements should be described on the appliance.
Beware of carbon monoxide
A propane-powered refrigerator can suffocate you if the burner doesn't get enough air. Poor combustion can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. The scary thing about carbon monoxide is that you will gradually become tired and tired, and eventually unable to handle the situation before you suffocate.
It is a good idea to set up a gas detector on the floor near the gas cylinder or other places where gas can leak. Also install a smoke detector in the same room as the cabin's gas refrigerator is located.
Keep hose away from burner
Check that the hose is not in contact with the burner. If it is, the heat from the burner can melt holes in the hose, so that the gas ignites directly and causes an explosive fire.
Remember to do a thorough check of the gas hoses every year, change the hoses every three years. After installing new hoses, check with soapy water that there are no leaks. The regulator/clutch should be replaced every five years.
Not in the bedroom
Portable gas appliances for indoor use must only be used under supervision and in well-ventilated rooms - never in bedrooms. The appliances should be placed at least one metre away from flammable material.
Before you go
If there is a long time between each time you are at the cabin, you should disconnect the regulator and possibly put the protective cap on the gas bottle before you leave.