Only allowed on New Year's Eve
Fireworks are only allowed to be set off on New Year's Eve, between 18:00 and 02:00. At other times of the year, it is not allowed, unless you have received special permission. Fireworks must not be used in dense buildings, near dry forest or other places where it may be flammable.
The municipality may determine local restrictions on the use of fireworks in special areas where there may be a risk to life, health, the environment or material assets. The municipality can also decide that fireworks are prohibited in some zones. They cannot decide that there is a total ban in an entire municipality.
Protect your eyes
Eyes and face are particularly prone to injury, so wear protective goggles. Also remember protective goggles for young and old who will be near fireworks. Most fireworks outlets hand out goggles for free or sell them for a cheap price.
Do not give fireworks to children
Fireworks are explosives and even small amounts are enough to cause lifelong injuries. Many children are looking for the remains of fireworks on New Year's Day. Therefore, remember to clean up after yourself if you have set off fireworks, so that no one finds and injures themselves on what you have left behind.
During the launch of fireworks, it is your responsibility as an adult that children and young people keep a safe distance. It is not only irresponsible, but also forbidden to hand over fireworks to minors.
There is an 18-year age limit for the purchase and use of fireworks. Children can use shooting stars if adults make sure it is used correctly. Remember to wear protective glasses. A small spark can cause serious eye damage.
Report damage
If you as a private individual experience personal injury or material damage in connection with the use of fireworks, please report it to us.
How to use fireworks correctly:
- Use fireworks only on New Year's Eve, between 18:00 and 02:00.
- Make sure that the ground battery is safe and stable, preferably pack around with snow if there is one.
- Prevent the fireworks from getting damp or wet.
- Read the instruction manual and follow the advice for a safe distance when launching.
- Wear protective goggles to avoid eye injuries.
- Never light the fuse twice. If it does not light the first time, wait 30 minutes, soak with water and return to the dealer.
How to use shooting stars correctly:
- Shooting stars should only be used outside.
- Do not bundle several shooting stars together - then large flames can hit your hand.
- Keep it straight, at a good distance from other people.
- Do not wave in front of your own or others' faces.
- Wear protective goggles to avoid sparks in your eyes.