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International cooperation

Emergencies do not respect national borders, so neither can emergency and emergency communications.

Rescue workers coordinate search and rescue
Photo: DSB

Emergency and emergency communications is a specialist field of significantly smaller size than commercial telecommunications, and it is crucial that the players in the field cooperate across countries.

DSB cooperates with relevant actors in the Nordic region, Europe and the rest of the world through committed cooperation, in various member organisations, professional networks, in projects initiated by the EU, etc.

DSB is an active participant in international meeting places because information sharing and joint learning and development help to further develop the technology, reduce risk and help us make good choices in the transition from dedicated TETRA networks (or similar) to using commercial 3GPP technology and networks.

Cooperation with Sweden and Finland is particularly important. We have connected our TETRA networks together for cross-border guests and with common voice groups. We will maintain the interconnection during and after the transition to new broadband emergency networks, and plan further interconnection with several European countries. Part of the challenge is that we have different decision-making processes and have not come as far. 

Read also: On technology development and the status of other countries in the work on new broadband emergency networks

The Haga collaboration and the Oslo conclusions

Nordic co-operation on societal and crisis preparedness was initiated and formalised in the Haga Declaration in 2009. Every year, the Nordic ministers responsible for civil protection and crisis preparedness meet for dialogue and further development of co-operation.

The cooperation was further deepened in the new Haga-II Declaration. The work is in accordance with the Nordic Declaration of Solidarity from 2011.

The purpose of the Haga co-operation is to ensure that the citizens of the Nordic countries have a secure and resilient society through cross-border co-operation – a resilient Nordic Region without borders. The agreement includes areas of cooperation such as rescue services, fire prevention and emergency communication.

The overarching objectives are to reduce the countries' vulnerability, strengthen their joint response capability, increase cost-effectiveness, and achieve greater joint impact in Europe and international forums. This is elaborated in the Oslo conclusions.

The Haga Development Goals 2019 – 2021 are based on the Haga II Declaration, and follow up on the conclusions from Helsinki 2016, as well as the chairmanship report from Iceland in 2017 and Sweden in 2018, respectively. In the period 2019-2021, the Haga collaboration has focused on CBRNE, forest/wildfires and emergency communication.

Norway had a special responsibility for leading the work on emergency communication. The work focused on ensuring that the benefits achieved with cross-border emergency communication are continued and developed in future systems.

International meeting places

As a competence body, system operator and service provider of Nødnett, DSB participates in a number of international meeting places. The exchange of information and experience helps all actors who work with emergency preparedness, whether the focus is on policy formulation, understanding needs and users, operations, development and management, or cooperation.

The Department of Emergency and Emergency Communications represents DSB at various meeting places and follows up nationally. Here are some examples of key forums and meeting places in the area of emergency and emergency communication.

NCCOM (Nordic Critical Communication Operator Meeting) (formerly NTOM)

A meeting place for the Nordic TETRA operators. Learning and exchange of experience are in focus when representatives from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden and Norway meet with the intention of continued robust and borderless emergency communication in the Nordic region. NCCOM is following up on guidelines from the Haga collaboration.

TCCA (The Critical Communication Association)

A global membership organization that leads the way in the development of standardized, critical communication solutions for professional users. Its members consist of authorities, manufacturers, operators and end-users, and the organisation's purpose is to discuss and develop the market for the benefit of all. DSB is a member, and since 2019, DSB's department for emergency and emergency communication has been represented on TCCA's board. DSB actively contributes to various working groups, including the Critical Communications Broadband Group (CCBG) and the Law and Regulatory Working Group (LRWG).

MCCG (European Commission, Mission Critical Communication Expert Group)

An expert group for contributions to the preparation of laws and regulations for the European Critical Communications System (EUCCS). DSB participates and represents Norway.

PSCE (Public Safety Communications Europe Forum)

A European organisation specialising in applying for EU funding and carrying out projects in the field of Public Safety Communication. Representatives from public safety organizations, industry, and research institutions meet to discuss and exchange ideas and best practices, develop visions and roadmaps, and prepare for the future of emergency public communication with cross-border communication and interaction.

PSRG (Public Safety Radio Communications Group)

A loosely organised meeting place for European emergency network operators and  users. The most important purpose is information and experience sharing, and there are participants from over 20 European countries.

Dimetra User Forum

A technical-level meeting place for organizations using Motorola's technology. The organisations meet to discuss common issues.

RCEG- LEWP (Radio Communication Expert Group – Law and Enforcement Party)

An EU body for police organisations in EU countries. RCEG is a specialist group for radio communications, voice and broadband data. RCEG-LEWP discusses issues related to public authorities' radio communication with a focus on police-related issues.

GPSOC (Global Public Safety Operator Conference)

A strategic meeting place for leaders of Nødnett worldwide. Status updates and exchange of experience with a focus on strategic issues.

EENA (European Emergency Number Association)

An important meeting place for emergency services. Focus on user needs and technology, including mobile population alerting, next-generation 112 and eCall.


The most important organisations for standardising the technology on which Nødnett and the new Nødnett are based. and the EU Critical Communication System (EUCCS)

An initiative to achieve seamless cross-border emergency and emergency communications in Europe, as Norway has with Sweden and Finland today. DSB participates in the knowledge development project and represents Norway in the European Commission's expert group MCCG.