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Cross-border communication

Norwegian emergency and emergency response organisations have operational cooperation with similar organisations in Sweden and Finland.

Swedish and Norwegian police in conversation outdoors during exercise
Photo: MSB

The Nordic countries have a long tradition of co-operation when it comes to societal security and emergency preparedness.

Norwegian emergency and emergency response organisations have operational cooperation with similar organisations in Sweden and Finland. Everything from natural disasters to crime are regional challenges that can often require resources and support from one or more neighbouring countries. In such situations, it is essential that emergency and emergency actors have access to robust, secure and cross-border emergency communications.

Previously, you had to switch to using a mobile phone when communicating with other Nordic actors. Today, Nødnett is connected to Finnish Virve and Swedish Rakel using the TETRA standard ISI (Inter System Interface). ISI allows communication between different networks and the possibility of migrating with radio terminals to other networks. This applies both at the strategic and operational level.

The ISI project has resulted in bilateral agreements between Norway/Sweden (NOSE), Finland/Norway (FINO) and Finland/Sweden (FISE). In September 2019, the three-way interconnection between Finnish Virve, Norwegian Nødnett and Swedish Rakel was launched (FINOSE).

In addition to joint voice groups, common guidelines, routines and exercises, as well as knowledge of each other's emergency management and methods, help to make it easier, safer and more efficient to work across national borders.

Read also: Use in Sweden and Finland.

Cross-border communication is a collaboration between DSB and DSB's counterparts in Finland and Sweden, Erillisverkot and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), respectively.