Choose your profession
In the application, you must state which profession you are applying for approval to practice.
If you have professional qualifications from countries covered by the EEA Agreement, you can apply for approval to exercise a profession within the occupational group of electrical worker or professional responsibility. In the boxes below you will find more details about the different professions within each category.
Electrical skilled worker (10 professions)
Profession | Types of electrical installations that can be build and maintained. Types of electrical equipment to be repaired. |
Automation electrician | Electrical low-voltage installations in automation systems |
Automation mechanic | Electrical low-voltage installations on hydraulic systems and pneumatics systems in automation systems |
Electrician (low-voltage) | lectrical low-voltage systems in residential, commercial and industrial buildings |
Electrical Equipment Repairer | Repair of electrical equipment |
Power-supply Fitter Electrician | Electrical (low- and high-voltage) power distribution grids, line networks, distribution systems, transformer substations and appurtenant equipment. |
Power-supply operator | Monitoring and operating electrical (low- and high-voltage) power distribution systems and electrical (high- and low-voltage) production facilities |
Lift electrician | Electrical installations to and on lift systems |
Power line electrician | Electrical (low- and high-voltage) power distribution systems limited to overhead power transmission lines. |
Repairer of electro-medical device | Repair of electro-medical devices in classes IIa, IIb and III. |
Train electrician | Electrical (low- and high-voltage) installations on rolling stock for railways and trams |
Professional responsibility (two professions)
Profession |
Professional responsibility for design of electrical installations |
Professional responsibility for design, installing and maintenance of electrical installations owned by others (electrical contractor) |
It is very important that your application contain information about the type of electrical installation you are going to have the professional responsibility for work related to in Norway. It also important to give information whether you are going to have the professional responsibility for work related to electrical low-voltage installations or electrical high-voltage installations in Norway. You will be guided about this in the application form.
Permanent or temporary services
You can apply for permanent or temporary service provision. Permanent recognition means an approval to practice a profession for an indefinite period of time.
Approval to provide temporary services is granted for a maximum of 12 months. If you are applying for temporary services, you must also attach documentation about the nature and duration of the work. More information about what this means can be found under the section "Attach documentation" below.
Attach documentation
In order for us to be able to assess your education and work experience, it is important that you attach the necessary documentation to the application.
All attachments must be in PDF format. Other formats or links to documents will not be read.
If the original documents are in a language other than English, Swedish and Danish, these must be translated primarily into English, secondarily into Norwegian. All documentation must be translated by an approved translator.
In the boxes below, you will find a checklist for the documentation that must accompany the various applications.
Electrical skilled worker - required documents
These are the required documents:
- CV that describes biographical data, dated education and dated relevant practical experience in the profession in question, that you want approval to practice in Norway
- Copy of the original school report or diploma from the education, including a list of subjects and transcript of grades and curriculum from the education
- Copy of translated original school report or diploma from the education, including a list of subjects, transcript of grades and curriculum from the education,
- Copy of the original certificate of completed apprenticeship contract (If this is a part of the education in the country you acquired your professional qualifications.)
- Copy of translated original certificate of completed apprenticeship contract (If this is a part of the education in the country you acquired your professional qualifications.)
- Copy of the original trade certificate in electrical subjects, craft certificate, journeyman certificate or other attestation of competence to the profession in question.
- Copy of translated original trade certificate in electrical subjects, craft certificate, journeyman certificate or other attestation of competence to the profession in question.
- Copy of original references from current or former employers as proof of at least one year practical experience in the profession in question, during the previous 10 years after graduation. (Practical experience in the profession in question must be from another country outside Norway).
- Copy of translated original references from current or former employers as proof of at least one year practical experience in the profession in question, during the previous 10 years after graduation. (Practical experience in the profession in question must be from another country outside Norway).
- Copy of valid passport
Electro professional - required documents
These are the required documents:
- CV that describes biographical data, dated education and dated relevant practical experience in the profession in question, that you want approval to practise in Norway
- Copy of the original school report or diploma from the education, including a list of subjects and a transcript of grades and curriculum from the education
- Copy of translated original school report or diploma from the education, including a list of subjects and transcript of grades and curriculum from the education,
- Copy of the original approval, permission, authorization or other attestation of competence to perform the profession in question
- Copy of translated original approval, permission, authorization or other attestation of competence to perform the profession in question
- Copy of original references from current or former employers as proof of at least one year of practical experience, in the profession in question, during the previous 10 years after graduation. Practical experience in the profession in question must be from another country outside Norway.
- Copy of translated original references from current or former employers as proof of at least one year of practical experience, in the profession in question, during the previous 10 years after graduation. Practical experience in the profession in question must be from another country outside Norway.
- Copy of valid passport
Specify project by temporary approval
Notification of temporary service provision must also contain information about the nature and duration of the work (Project description). DSB decides whether the service is of a temporary nature, depending on the duration, frequency, regularity and continuity of the work.
Required documentation for temporary approval
The project description must include the following documentation, in addition to documentation in the checklist above:
- Service provider's identity and nationality
- Attestation certifying that the holder is legally established in a Member State for the purpose of pursuing the activities concerned and that he is not prohibited from practicing, even temporarily, at the moment of delivering the attestation
- Evidence of professional qualifications
Fill in and send application
When you have the documentation ready, you can fill out the application, attach documentation and send it to DSB.
Processing of application
Once we have received your complete application, we will assess your professional qualifications against the requirements of the Regulations for electrical enterprise and qualification requirements for work related to electrical installations and electrical equipment (fek) and Directive 2005/36/EC (Professional Qualifications Directive).
The application will be processed as soon as possible, and the response from DSB will be sent as a letter to the person who has had their professional qualifications assessed.