Digital mail for private individuals
DSB sends mail digitally to private individuals. This is how we want to work smarter, and save money and the environment. The Directorate encourages everyone to create their own digital mailbox on
Who receives mail digitally?
Those who want to receive digital mail are people who are listed in the public contact register and who have not opted out of digital mail. Everyone who has logged in to an online public service, for example with NAV, or the Norwegian Tax Administration, is registered in the contact register.
How to receive mail digitally?
Everyone receives a notification by SMS and/or e-mail when they receive a letter in their digital mailbox.
About digital mailbox
A digital mailbox makes it easier to receive mail digitally, and is the citizens' own safe archive for important documents.
Advantages of a digital mailbox are:
- All mail from the public safe and free in one place
- Notification by SMS and/or e-mail when important letters are sent
- Access to the mail regardless of time and place
- Faster responses and information
- Possibility to upload documents to your own archive
- Helps reduce public costs and save the environment
Create a digital mailbox
On, residents can create a digital mailbox. Citizens can choose between two digital mailboxes; Digipost or e-Boks. The mailboxes are equal and both meet strict requirements for security. Both services are free. To create a digital mailbox, you must log in to the device with Bank-ID, BuypassID or CommfidesID.
Digital mail for businesses
DSB has, in collaboration with the Norwegian Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi), introduced digital dispatch from our case/archive system. Since the start in the spring of 2019, we have experienced that not all businesses that receive mail from us have postal routines that capture items received in the message inbox in Altinn. We hope the information below can contribute to a solution to this challenge.
Why Digital Shipping
In the Digitalisation Circular, the Government has decided that public agencies must use digital transmission to both businesses and private individuals. Furthermore, it has been decided that Altinn will be used for digital mail from the public administration to businesses.
Businesses do not have the opportunity to opt out of receiving mail from the public sector in Altinn.
Receiving digital mail in Altinn
When you receive mail in your message inbox in Altinn, a notification will be sent to the notification address(es) you have registered in the Register of Legal Entities. Often these will be linked to people in management.
It is important that you also assign roles and report notification addresses for the people who are responsible for mail reception/mail processing. You can make changes to notification addresses and assignment of roles by going to the enterprise's profile in Altinn.